Albert Einstein
Are you overwhelmed by your Science Communication and Public Engagement mandates? It is not your fault that South Africa has a science communication landscape as beautiful and difficult to navigate as the Drakensberg. Let me take this journey with you. Whether you need a friend in the trenches with you or a communication strategy that allows you some creative freedom, or a friendly conversation filled with some useful ideas...Sciism pty ltd can help you.

Diagrams, maps, infographics, branding and much more to spruce up your grant proposals, papers and popular science articles.

For illustrations of fossil specimens that will grab attention.

Formatting research into a tone and style that the general public understands.

Content creation for social media campaigns, all based on your research.

Drafting and designing exhibition spaces.

Creating science inspired products for museums, community programs and science lovers.

You can call me Robyn, and aside from the highly appreciated volunteer, I am Sciism (Pty) Ltd. As a science communicator and content creator, I have several years of experience as a contractor for Iziko Museum, various universities and the occasional state-owned enterprise.
I was born in Johannesburg which makes me a certain kind of tenacious and I am proud to be South African. I use local artists, artisans and materials in my projects. Currently, I am studying a part-time (online) MSc in Science Communication and Public Engagement.
My hope it help create a culture of science curiosity and hope through effective science communication. Give people the tools to make powerful and meaningful decisions about the science that effects their world.